Analysing Ideas
For my favourite class in university (political theory), we had to read an entire book and then zoom in on a single idea of the author and make an in-depth analysis of this idea.
My professor for this class suggested us to ‘have a conversation’ with the author regarding this idea and analyse it from every possible angle.
I still enjoy doing this today with the books that I am reading because it gives me a better understanding of the ideas of the author. Furthermore, by writing about the books that I have read, or am reading, I memorize all the information in the books a lot better.
Purpose of this Blog
By sharing these analyses on this blog, I hope to bring more attention to the ideas of these authors, because I believe many of these ideas are still truly relevant today.
At the same time, if you do not have a lot of time to read books, but still want to receive some interesting information from them, or if you are looking for inspiration on which books to read, then this page is meant for your as well.
If you have already read the books that I am writing about, then please let me know what you think of my analysis. Perhaps you have an entirely different view on the ideas of the author. In that case, please share your unique views with me.
Happy reading!
Pictures: All images used on this blog come from, or have been made by myself.